Life changing injuries. The definition of which will completely depend on your own experiences. For example, you may recall a recent story line in a well-known TV soap which focuses on the results of a horrific acid attack or perhaps the often daily news of our brave service men and women suffering loss of limbs. A footballer or athlete may believe a sprained ankle or broken arm is life changing or builder may consider a slip disk as a life changing injury.
Life changing injuries are most commonly considered as physical injuries but have you ever considered brain injuries- those ones that you cannot specifically see?
This week is Action For Brain Injury Week, an event launched by the Charity Headway to highlight the effect this “invisible” injury can have on many lives, in many different ways.
Brain Injuries can be caused from birth due to a fall, bump on the head, road accident, tumour or a stoke and affect people in a whole range of ways. For many of us a bump on the head can cause temporary dizziness (concussion), headaches or maybe temporary memory loss. For others or for those who suffered a more severe brain injury, these symptoms can be more complete affecting long term memory, communications skills (including speech) and even personality changes. This means that not only is the individual affected but those around them, their family, friends and even work colleagues.
Headway seeks to provide information and support for the victims and those around them in understanding and dealing with all kinds of brain injury.
Here at Ramsdens we also want to help those who have suffered an injury. Our Personal Injury Team can help with any claims made due to the injury being caused by the actions of another person. Likewise our Court of Protection Team can help look after your health and welfare and financial affairs through Lasting Powers of Attorneys or Deputyships. During this week, Ramsdens will be posting blogs and photographs demonstrating the different ways we can and do assist clients with brain injuries along with their families. Please check out our blog, Twitter and Facebook pages to read all about it!