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Recent government proposals suggest that the ‘blue badge scheme’, which allows people to park closer to their destination free of charge, may be extended to those living with disabilities that are not always visible, such as autism and dementia. The proposals have received a welcome response in light of a recent report showing that 75% of blue badge holders admitted that they would go out less frequently if they were not part of the scheme. Supporters of the proposal feel that it will enable and encourage many more people to lead and to benefit from a more independent lifestyle.

At Ramsdens Solicitors, we pride ourselves in being a dementia friendly firm. Many of our staff members are dementia friends with a good level of awareness and understanding which means that they can better accommodate your needs.

Living with a hidden disease such as dementia highlights the importance of ensuring that your legal affairs are in order. A Will is a vital legal document which dictates what should happen to your Estate after you die. Without a Will, your assets will pass under the laws of intestacy meaning that the people you wish to inherit may not benefit. As well as nominating beneficiaries, you can also detail any funeral wishes you have and, is appropriate, appoint guardians for your young children.

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) allows you to appoint people whom you trust to act as your attorneys and deal with your affairs on your behalf if you are no longer able to do so. There are two types of LPA; Property and Financial Affairs and Health and Welfare. The Property LPA allows your attorney to deal with your bank accounts and property whereas the Health LPA covers decisions about selecting a care home or making choices relating to medical care.

Living with dementia does not prohibit you from being able to make a Will or an LPA. If you would like further information, then please contact our experienced Private Client team today. Call us on 01484 821 500, text LAW to 67777 or email