It has been widely publicised recently that shockingly, between 2009 and 2015, 936 women were killed by men, of these, 598 (64%) were killed by their current or former partners.
Further statistics have been released showing that 1.8 million adults, in England and Wales, said that they were victims of domestic violence in 2015. Women were more likely to report the violence that men however, 651,000 of the 1.8 million adults were men.
Domestic violence can happen to both men and women. On average 1 in 6 men will be a victim of domestic violence and 1 in 4 women. Domestic violence does not just have to be physical, it can be verbal, financial or mental. It does not matter whether you are male or female or the type of abuse that you are subject to, it is never okay.
Ramsdens provide specialist advice for victims of domestic violence. We recognise that it takes courage to approach a Solicitor and seek help and we handle all matters sensitively, efficiently and confidentially.
From a legal perspective, you have the option of obtaining a Non-Molestation Order from the Court which would prevent your partner coming within a certain distance of you or harming you. A breach of a Non-Molestation Order is a criminal offence.
Legal Aid is available
In relation to obtaining a Non-Molestation Order, despite the cuts to legal aid, it is still available for sufferers of domestic violence that wish to obtain a non-molestation order. This is still means tested and is dependant upon income but we are happy to discuss this and, if eligible, fund the matter in this way.
Ramsdens can help
We can offer advice if you have suffered domestic violence or fear that you may be subject to violence. We offer free 30 minute appointments from 7:30am until 7:00pm at any of our 12 offices across West Yorkshire. Call our Family Helpline free today on 08000 147720 to book an appointment.