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Understanding what to expect from a personal injury claim can help you to plan your time around the process and reduce your stress. A personal injury claim can take anywhere from six months to several years to complete, depending on the complexity of the case.

In the following guide, the personal injury experts at Ramsdens Solicitors explain the various stages involved in a personal injury claim, providing you with a rough estimate of its duration. As we navigate this process, we will also explain how Ramsdens can help you through this process.

What is a personal injury claim?

At its core, a personal injury claim is a legal case initiated to seek compensation for harm, pain or loss caused due to another party's negligence or oversight. Personal injury claims can encompass a wide range of incidents, from accidents in the workplace and road traffic accidents to slips, trips or falls.

Personal injury law in the UK is designed to safeguard the rights of individuals who have sustained injuries because of someone else’s fault. A personal injury solicitor plays a vital role in this process, helping you to negotiate the complex legal landscape, and ensuring you receive the compensation that you rightly deserve.

Factors affecting the length of a personal injury claim

Numerous factors can influence the duration of a personal injury claim:

  1. The complexity of the case: various factors can add layers of complexity to a case and prolong the resolution process, including the severity of injuries, whether there is a dispute as to who was at fault for the accident and the number of parties involved.
  2. The response time of the other party involved: if the party at fault responds quickly to your claim, it can considerably expedite the process.
  3. Court timelines and process: if the claim escalates to court proceedings, the duration is then subject to the court's calendar and administrative proceedings, which can often take a considerable amount of time. Court proceedings are needed when it is not possible to resolve the issue as to who was at fault for the accident or it is not possible to reach an agreement on the level of compensation that is payable.
  4. The role of negotiation in settlement duration: the negotiation phase can either speed up the process, depending on the willingness of the parties involved to negotiate.
  5. The process of gathering necessary medical evidence: procuring all relevant medical evidence and reports, which are vital to strengthening your claim, can sometimes be a lengthy process, thereby extending the duration of your claim.

The stages of a personal injury claim

A personal injury claim process can be broken down into several stages, each having its own typical timescale:

  1. Notification of the claim to the responsible party: this is the first formal step in a personal injury claim, where the party at fault is informed about your intent to claim.
  2. Gathering and evaluation of liability evidence: this involves collecting all relevant evidence such as CCTV footage, witness statements, and photographs that support your claim.
  3. Medical assessments and expert opinions: this stage is crucial, as it determines the extent of your injuries and their impact on your quality of life, ascertained through medical assessments and expert testimonies.
  4. Negotiation for settlement: once all the evidence has been collated and assessed, your solicitor will enter into negotiations with the at-fault party’s solicitors or insurance company.
  5. Court proceedings (if required): in instances where a settlement cannot be reached, your solicitor may advise taking the case to court.

The average duration of a personal injury claim

Although the duration of a personal injury claim can vary widely depending on the factors mentioned above, a straightforward case might take in the region of 6 months to resolve. However, more complex cases, where liability is contested or where severe or multiple injuries are involved, may take several years. There are always exceptions and unforeseen circumstances that can further prolong the claim process. Nonetheless, it is essential to bear in mind that rushing the process could lead to a less than favourable outcome.

How Ramsdens Solicitors can help expedite your personal injury claim

As a firm with extensive experience in handling personal injury claims of varying degrees of complexity, Ramsdens Solicitors prides itself on achieving the best outcomes for our clients in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Our proven track record is a testament to our professionalism, expertise and commitment.

Choosing Ramsdens Solicitors offers several advantages. Our experienced solicitors provide expert advice tailored to your unique circumstances, and we will begin to act following our initial over-the-phone consultation, which is easy for you to arrange and carry out. With Ramsdens Solicitors, you gain the peace of mind of knowing that your case is being handled by experts.

What you can do to help your solicitor

Whilst your solicitor will works hard to expedite your claim, there are things you can do to aid the process. Providing comprehensive information promptly - particularly concerning the accident, injuries and any costs incurred - can significantly aid your solicitor in building a robust case.

Staying responsive and cooperative during the process ensures smooth communication and could help to expedite your claim. Regular updates on your recovery progress can also be beneficial. as this provides real-time evidence of the impact of the injury on your life.

Your solicitor will help you to collect key evidence to support your claim, but you may be able to help them do so. You will be able to secure a medical report detailing your condition, backed up by a medical professional, by undergoing an assessment.

Additionally, your solicitor may ask you to take part in certain activities to make evidence-gathering easier and more conclusive. While you do not need to do this, it can significantly improve your chances of making a successful personal injury compensation claim, and can reduce the amount of time your personal injury claim takes.

Understanding that personal injury claims can be a lengthy process, and that rushing them might not always be in your best interests, can help to manage your expectations.

Contact us

A clear understanding of the personal injury claim timeline can provide you with realistic expectations and ease the process. Moreover, choosing experienced personal injury solicitors, like Ramsdens Solicitors, can substantially simplify the process, improve the likelihood of success, and potentially expedite the process.

For more information, contact the expert personal injury lawyers at Ramsdens Solicitors today. Call us on 01484 821 500, email us at, or fill out an online contact form, and we will be in touch at a time that is convenient for you.