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As we enter the festive season, our Family Law team has achieved a remarkable legal outcome that demonstrates our unwavering commitment to protecting vulnerable clients and their children.

Our Senior Associate, Jaynie Broughton, recently secured an extremely rare court order to terminate parental responsibility - an achievement that many legal experts consider a "once in a career" occurrence. This exceptional result came in a complex case involving serious domestic abuse concerns, where the removal of parental responsibility was deemed necessary for the child's wellbeing.


Supporting victims during the festive period

This success comes at a particularly crucial time of year. The festive season, while joyful for many, can be an especially challenging period for those experiencing domestic abuse. Leading charities consistently report significant increases in support requests during this time, with some seeing up to 80% more website visits compared to other times of the year.

Sarah Ward, our Head of Family, explains: "Our Family team regularly handles complex cases involving domestic abuse, and we understand the increased pressures that victims face, particularly during the festive period. This landmark outcome reinforces our dedication to achieving robust legal protections for our clients and their children."


Our expertise in action

The case showcased our team's comprehensive approach to complex family law matters. This included:

·         Securing public funding under exceptional circumstances

·         Conducting detailed legal research and case law analysis

·         Preparing thorough court documentation

·         Providing dedicated client representation throughout the proceedings


Here to help

We want to emphasise that support and legal protection for domestic abuse victims remain available throughout the holiday period. Our services include applications for Non-Molestation Orders and Occupation Orders where necessary.


If you need advice or support with any family law matter, our dedicated Family Team is here to help. You can reach us on 01484 821500 or email


*Please note: Due to the sensitive nature of family proceedings, specific details about individual cases cannot be disclosed to protect client confidentiality.*


The above article is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before acting on any part of the information given.