Our Head of Abuse and Partner, Natalie Marrison has featured on ‘The Carer’, discussing the effects of mandatory vaccines on your human rights.
Talking to the publication Natalie addressed articles 5 (the right to liberty), 8 (autonomy to make your own decisions) and 9 (the right to freedom of thought) of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the extent to which compulsory vaccines would infringe on these rights, saying: “It is difficult to balance individual rights and public safety. The introduction may also cause some articles to conflict with each other, as Article 2 states that everyone has a right to life and a way of upholding this right is by vaccinating the population to protect the more vulnerable members of society.”
Adding: “It is therefore difficult to say whether individuals will be forced to have the vaccine. On one hand, compulsory vaccines would contravene Articles 5, 8 and 9 of the HRA but on the other hand, these rights can be varied if it is in the public interests to prevent the spread of disease.”
Read the full article on ‘The Carer’ here for more information.
Here at Ramsdens Solicitors we have a team of expert legal specialists, who are experienced in helping clients to access the legal options available to them and to seek justice for their maltreatment. If any issues within this article have affected you or a loved one please contact the abuse team on 0113 887 1834 for a chat in total confidence. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry by emailing info@ramsdens.co.uk.