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August has been identified as the month in which the most road fatalities occur, more so than the icy winter months. RoadPeace therefore recognise August as National Road Victim Month, a time to remember those killed or seriously injured on our roads. The reason for the increase in fatalities is linked to school holidays: there are more holiday makers on the road, and more pedestrians around due to children being off school.

According to the Department for Transport, there were 1,782 road deaths reported in 2018. Accounting for change in traffic, the rate of fatalities per billion vehicle miles has actually fallen by 1% from 2017. Although this is a positive step, this rate must continue to fall in order to avoid the devastation caused by a fatal accident.*

In addition to fatalities, there were 25,484 serious injuries reported in 2018.* When you or a family member are seriously injured on the road, this can be extremely difficult to deal with. At Ramsdens, our Personal Injury team understand the devastating impact this can have on families. We can support you through the immediate aftermath of a road traffic accident or collision and help you to plan the future.

Where a fatality has sadly occurred, our team will support a family at Inquest. We understand the importance of ensuring that there is a thorough investigation, and at the conclusion of an inquest, we will advise on a negligence claim. Although nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one, we can help relieve some financial pressure through a claim for damages.

Where a serious injury has occurred, we can assist with rehabilitation. An initial needs assessment is completed to identify the exact steps required for recovery, as every injury is unique and requires tailored rehabilitation.

If issues in this article have affected you or a loved one please contact the team here at Ramsdens for a free and confidential discussion on 0113 8871834. Alternatively, fill out an online enquiry form and we will be in touch at a time that is suitable for you.

*Department of Transport Statistical Release 25 July 2019