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The lasting complications of a brain tumour can have devastating effects, affecting the way you walk, talk, feel and think, which can lead to prejudice and discrimination in the survivors everyday life. A survey by Headway UK has found that survivors of brain injury are often bullied, harassed and ridiculed for their disabilities.

It is illegal for an employer or education provider to discriminate against a disabled employee or student (except in rare and exceptional circumstances). It is also important to note that an employer can be ‘vicariously liable’ for discrimination committed by an employee, unless there is evidence that they took all the reasonable steps to prevent it.

The Equality Act protects employees from several types of discrimination; direct, indirect, discrimination arising from disability, failure to make reasonable adjustments, victimisation and harassment.

If you feel that you have been treated unfairly in the workplace as a result of your disability, you may be entitled to make an employment tribunal claim. Tribunals can be an extremely distressing time and it’s vital for employees seeking tribunal to have the support from an experienced solicitor along the way.

For more information on our tribunal services and how our Employment team can support you during this difficult process get in touch now on 01484 821 500, email or fill in our quick contact form.