It was revealed last week that 120 child patients of Aston Hall psychiatric hospital in Derbyshire suffered shocking abuse throughout the 1950s, 60s and 70s at the hands of Dr. Kenneth Milner, who ran the hospital for 28 years.
The abuse included being stripped, put in straitjackets and given truth serum, prior to being sexually abused and raped. The truth serum consisted of sodium amytal, which resulted in patients becoming immobile and semi-conscious. It is believed that Dr. Milner used this substance as part of ‘nacro analysis’, a method used on shell-shocked soldiers during World War Two to recover traumatic repressed memories.
It has recently been revealed that victims will receive compensation for the shocking abuse they suffered. The Department of Health and Social Care described the compensation as an ‘important milestone for everyone who was affected by these terrible events’. The compensation scheme provides £8,000 for at least one treatment of sodium amytal and additional payments for additional treatments. The maximum compensation that can be claimed from the government scheme is £50,000.
Our abuse team are dedicated to helping survivors of abuse obtain compensation for what they have suffered. If you think you may have a claim and wish to speak in confidence please contact our team of experienced solicitors today on 0113 887 1834, complete the contact form or text LAW to 67777 to book a free information session at any of our offices.
August 19, 2019
Natalie is a Partner and Heads the Abuse and Personal Injury team.