On 15th September the House of Commons held a debate on Domestic Abuse Victims in Family Law Courts.
The debate was prompted by the January 2016 Women's Aid report Nineteen Child Homicides which highlighted the cases of nineteen children killed by perpetrators of domestic abuse.
Bridget Jones's Diary was released in 2001 followed by Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason in 2004. 12 years later the hotly anticipated Bridget Jones's Baby is on our big screen's.
The hotly discussed BBC Radio 4 Soap storyline reached its climax last night as millions of listeners tuned in to hear the jury’s verdict in the trial of Helen Titchener.
We are pleased to announce the launch of new, early morning appointments available at our offices across West Yorkshire from Monday 13th September from 7.
Domestic Violence calls increase by a third in West Yorkshire following the Euros
West Yorkshire Police have reported an increase in Domestic Abuse call outs.
It has been widely publicised recently that shockingly, between 2009 and 2015, 936 women were killed by men, of these, 598 (64%) were killed by their current or former partners.
The Pause Project, a project aimed at reducing the number of children taken into care by offering support to vulnerable women is to extend its work across England.