The Supreme Court, in its recent judgment in the conjoined cases of Paul, Polmear and Purchase and another v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2024] have now clarified this position.
Maternity services at hospitals in York and Scarborough have been rated “inadequate” and “requires improvement” by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) after inspectors raised concerns about poor leadership and service users not being able to access services.
The month of April aims to increase awareness of Bowel Cancer and encourages charity events to raise funds towards treating this condition. Organisations such as Bowel Cancer UK are currently pursuing their aim of ensuring there are no victims of bowel cancer by 2050.
When someone dies as a result of another person or organisation’s negligence, then a claim can be brought by members of the deceased’s family or by anyone who may have depended on the deceased.
In recent weeks the parliamentary Health and Social Care Committee has called for the abandonment of adversarial clinical negligence litigation for the majority of cases and for the establishment of an independent administrative body to investigate claims and determine potential compensation.
We've strengthened our Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury offering, as we welcome Nick Stojanovic, Associate and Ian Miles and Claire Exelby, Litigation Executives, to our Leeds office.