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As part of the Courts’ and Judges’ work to improve transparency and public confidence in the Family Justice System, a number of pilot schemes have been launched which allows accredited media and legal bloggers to report on Family Law cases.

The aim of the pilots are to enhance public confidence and increase transparency within the Family Justice System following recent high profile cases about experts, and concerns about decisions being made “behind closed doors”.

Generally, details such as the names, date of births and addresses of any children in the case, amongst other information, cannot be reported to the public at large unless express permission is given by the court. However details such as names of legal representatives, judges or any local authority who is a party to the case will be.

Reporters and legal bloggers who attend these hearings will be entitled to see certain however, not all, documents from the case. This may include skeleton arguments, position statements, bundle indices and suitably anonymised court orders. Any request for such documents by pilot reporters must be made before or at the hearing. Family members will also be able to speak freely to journalists reporting under the pilot without being at risk of contempt of court.

It is yet to be seen whether these pilots will encourage more journalists to attend hearings and if more judgements will be reported. Hopefully the scheme will increase public understanding of the Family Justice System and in turn, increase public confidence. 

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The above article is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before acting on any part of the information given.