The recent High Court Case of West Northamptonshire Council v KA & Ors [2024] lays down the law on Family Court intermediaries and what the court should consider when deciding whether or not to appoint one.
An intermediary is a person with specialist communication skills, who will work to support vulnerable people who are participating in a court hearing. Vulnerable people who may require the support of an intermediary include children, and those who have either a physical, neurological, or mental health condition that affects their ability to participate fully in a court hearing.
An intermediary may assist by communicating questions put to people, communicating to those asking the questions the answers given by people and/or explain such questions or answers so far as necessary to help people understand and follow what is happening during a court hearing.
However, intermediaries are generally only appointed in exceptional circumstances, and the court, in the above case, therefore felt it appropriate to provide some guidance on the use of intermediaries in the Family Court:
The judgment in this case will no doubt provide great assistance to legal representatives who are considering whether or not to apply for an intermediary to assist their client. However, clients should be advised from the outset that an intermediary isn’t always guaranteed; it is ultimately a decision for the court to make.
For further information or advice, please contact our child law specialists on 01924 431774 or send an email to care@ramsdens.co.uk.
The above article is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before acting on any part of the information given.