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GP Negligence Claims

If you have suffered an illness or injury that was caused by the negligence of a GP, you are entitled to claim compensation. We have helped hundreds of people across Yorkshire to make GP negligence claims, or doctor negligence claims, ensuring those responsible are held to account.

Ramsdens is a multi-award-winning law firm that is renowned for high-quality service and dedication. We understand the distress that GP negligence can cause, and we will do our utmost to make the claims process as stress-free and simple as possible.

Contact us today to discuss your GP negligence claim by calling us on 01484 821 500  for a free, no-obligation consultation. Alternatively, complete our online enquiry form to request a call back at a time that is convenient for you.

How Ramsdens can help with GP medical negligence claims

GPs and doctors are trusted to prescribe the right treatments to patients, so they can fully recover from an illness. However, mistakes are sometimes made, which can result in a delay to diagnosis, meaning treatment is not offered quickly enough.

Our experienced and friendly legal experts have handled cases involving:

  • Failure to refer a patient for cancer investigations
  • Failure to diagnose meningitis
  • Failure to diagnose brain haemorrhages
  • Failure to order necessary tests
  • Failure to make planned referrals to a specialist
  • Not conducting a satisfactory medical exam
  • Prescribing the wrong medication
  • Failure to take the patient’s medical history into account
  • Failure to diagnose angina, which could lead to cardiac arrest

Your GP's duty of care

One of the most common types of GP negligence cases that we deal with involves delayed or missed diagnoses, which can have serious consequences for the patient. Your GP is often the first port of call for medical help if you have developed certain symptoms. At the early stage of any medical issue, it is important that warning signs are spotted, and appropriate action is taken. However, this does not always happen.

If your GP does not identify a condition properly, or if you are not referred to a specialist when you should have been, they are failing in their duty of care. If your GP has dismissed your concerns and does not take your complaint seriously, it could lead to a catastrophic scenario for you.When serious conditions such as cancer are not spotted early enough, it can be life-threatening. This is why it is vital that justice is obtained following negligence of this kind.

Why choose Ramsdens for your GP negligence compensation claim?

When dealing with Ramsdens Solicitors, you can rest assured that your case will be handled with the utmost care and consideration. We have years of experience in this field, which means we have the knowledge required to give you the best possible chance of securing compensation.

We offer:

  • A free consultation
  • No win, no fee representation
  • Early home visits
  • A friendly, confidential service
  • Quick responses to all communication
  • Specialist solicitors to deal with your claim

Our lawyers are members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers and the Law Society Personal Injury Panel, meaning we are a reputable and well-respected firm.

Find out more about our awards and accreditations.

FAQs about making GP negligence claims

What should I do if I think I have been treated negligently by my GP?

If you suspect that you have been a victim of GP negligence, taking immediate and appropriate steps can safeguard your rights and wellbeing. Here's what you should do:

  1. Document your experience: keep a detailed record of your symptoms, the treatment (or lack thereof) you received, and any conversations with healthcare professionals. This documentation can be vital in establishing a timeline of events.
  2. Seek a second opinion: if you are able, consult another medical professional to assess your condition and the care you received. A second opinion can provide clarity on whether your GP's approach was appropriate.
  3. Report the incident: you can report your concerns to the General Medical Council (GMC) or the local NHS trust. Reporting can help prevent similar incidents from happening to others and can also form part of your claim for GP negligence compensation.
  4. Consult with GP negligence solicitors: contact Ramsdens to discuss your case. Our team specialises in GP negligence claims in the UK and can guide you on how to complain about GP negligence effectively. We provide a free, no-obligation consultation to understand your situation and advise on the best course of action.
  5. Gather and preserve evidence: collect all relevant medical records, correspondence, and any other documentation that can support your claim. This evidence is crucial for establishing the link between your GP's actions and the harm you suffered.
  6. Understand the process: familiarise yourself with the process of making a GP negligence claim. Ramsdens' expert legal team can explain how to make a GP negligence claim, ensuring you understand each step and what's expected.

By following these steps, you can initiate the process of holding your GP accountable for their negligence and securing the justice and compensation you deserve.

Can I sue my GP for negligence?

You can make a medical negligence claim against your GP if you believe that their actions or inactions have directly resulted in harm or worsened your health condition. To establish a GP negligence claim, you must prove that the care you received fell below the accepted standard of practice (breach of duty) and directly caused you injury or harm (causation). This can encompass various situations, such as misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis, incorrect treatment, or failure to obtain informed consent.

Ramsdens provides specialised legal support to guide you through the process of claiming against your GP for negligence. We meticulously review your case, gather necessary evidence, and work with medical experts to establish the breach of duty and causation. Our experienced solicitors ensure your claim is robustly presented, aiming to secure the GP negligence compensation you rightfully deserve.

How can I report a GP for negligence?

Initially, you might want to discuss your concerns directly with the GP or the practice manager. Sometimes, misunderstandings can be resolved at this stage, and the practice may offer a solution or explanation. If you are not satisfied with the response from the GP or practice, or you prefer not to speak to them directly, you can make a formal complaint using the NHS complaints procedure. This involves writing a detailed account of your grievances and sending it to either the practice or the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) if the issue is more severe.

If the issue is still not resolved to your satisfaction, you can escalate your complaint to professional bodies such as the General Medical Council (GMC) or the Care Quality Commission (CQC). These organisations can investigate the behaviour of individual GPs or the practice as a whole.

For guidance on how to complain about GP negligence and making GP negligence claims, consult with the specialist GP negligence claims solicitors at Ramsdens. We provide expert advice on how to proceed with your complaint or claim, ensuring your concerns are appropriately addressed and that you receive the compensation you deserve if negligence is proven.

What evidence do I need to prove GP negligence?

Proving GP negligence requires a clear demonstration that your GP breached their duty of care towards you and that this breach directly caused you harm. To prove this, it is necessary to provide evidence that supports your argument, including:

  1. Medical records: medical records relating to the incident are vital for making any medical negligence claim. They provide a baseline to show your health condition before and after the alleged negligence, detailing the treatments and medications prescribed by your GP.
  2. Expert testimony: an independent medical expert's opinion is necessary to establish that the care you received fell below the accepted medical standards, and to directly link your GP's actions (or inactions) to the harm you suffered.
  3. Witness statements: this includes family members, friends or other healthcare professionals.
  4. Photographic and video evidence: visual evidence documenting your condition can serve as powerful evidence of the effects of the negligence on your health and daily life.
  5. Financial records: documenting any financial losses you incurred as a result of the negligence is necessary for claiming compensation. This includes loss of earnings, medical expenses, travel costs for medical appointments, and costs of care or support.
  6. Personal diary or journal: a personal diary detailing your experiences, the pain and suffering you've endured, and how the negligence has impacted your life can provide a vivid account that complements the rest of your evidence, tying the story together.

Ramsdens' specialist medical negligence solicitors understand how to navigate the complexities of proving GP negligence. We will help you gather and present the necessary evidence, ensuring the best possible outcome for your compensation claim.

How much can I claim for GP negligence?

GP negligence compensation aims to acknowledge the physical, emotional and financial hardships that patients endure due to substandard medical care. Compensation can typically be split into two main categories:

  • General damages: this portion of the compensation addresses the pain, suffering and loss of amenity you've endured due to the negligence. It quantifies the direct impact on your physical and mental health, ranging from the immediate effects of the misdiagnosis or mistreatment to any long-term disabilities or health issues.
  • Special damages: these are calculated to cover the financial repercussions of the negligence. They encompass a variety of economic losses, such as medical expenses, lost earnings, travel costs, care costs and any predicted future costs that may arise due to the repercussions of negligence.

Each GP negligence claim is unique. We want to understand your situation to ensure that every aspect of your suffering and loss is thoroughly considered. Our approach is to secure a compensation package that not only addresses your immediate needs, but also supports your long-term wellbeing and rehabilitation.

What is the process of making a GP negligence compensation claim?

Starting a GP negligence compensation claim can seem daunting, but with Ramsdens by your side, the process is clear and straightforward. Here is a general overview of the steps involved:

  1. Initial consultation: contact Ramsdens for a free, no-obligation consultation. During this conversation, we'll discuss the details of your situation, offer initial advice, and outline the potential for a successful claim.
  2. Evidence gathering: our experienced solicitors will guide you through this process, ensuring that all relevant information is meticulously compiled to support your claim.
  3. Establishing liability: to proceed with a claim, there must be clear evidence that the GP's actions (or inactions) constituted negligence and directly led to your injury or illness. We will help establish this link by reviewing the evidence and consulting medical experts.
  4. Valuing your claim: based on the evidence and expert opinions, we'll assess the full extent of your physical, emotional and financial damages to determine the appropriate compensation amount.
  5. Negotiation: with all the information at hand, we will approach the GP or their representing body to negotiate a settlement. Our goal is to secure a compensation package that fully addresses your needs without the need for a court trial.
  6. Court proceedings: in the rare case that a satisfactory settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to court. Ramsdens will provide robust representation, supporting you at every stage of the litigation process.
  7. Settlement and compensation: once a settlement is agreed upon or a court judgment is secured, the compensation will be paid. Ramsdens ensures that the process is transparent and that you receive the full amount to which you are entitled.

Throughout your GP negligence claim, we will prioritise clear communication and support so you can make informed decisions and focus on your recovery.

How long does it take to make a GP negligence claim?

The duration of GP negligence claims varies depending on the intricacies of the case and the cooperation of all parties involved. Simple and straightforward cases, where the facts are clear and liability is admitted quickly, may be resolved within several months. On the other hand, more complex cases - especially those where the GP or healthcare provider disputes the claim, or where the medical issues are particularly complicated - can take several years.

Gathering all necessary evidence can be time-consuming. Once the claim is filed, the duration will also depend on the efficiency of the courts and the availability of all involved parties to attend hearings or settlement meetings.

Ramsdens ensures that every step, from the initial consultation to the resolution of your GP negligence claim, is handled with diligence and efficiency, aiming to secure the compensation you deserve in the most timely manner possible.

Are there time limits for making a GP negligence claim?

There are time limits within which you must initiate a GP negligence claim, known as the 'limitation period'. In the UK, you generally have three years from the date of the incident, or from the date you first became aware that you had suffered an injury or illness due to negligence, to make a claim. This is known as the 'date of knowledge'.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. For children, the three-year limitation period does not begin until their 18th birthday, meaning a claim can be made on their behalf at any time up to this point, and they then have until their 21st birthday to make their own claim. For individuals who lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs, there may be no time limit, unless they regain capacity.

Seek legal advice as soon as you suspect GP negligence to ensure you understand the specific time limits that apply to your case. Ramsdens provides expert guidance on these matters, helping you navigate the complexities of your claim and ensuring that your rights are protected within the stipulated time frames.


Contact us

To learn more about how we can help you, speak to the expert GP negligence solicitors at Ramsdens today by calling 01484 821 500. You can also email us at, or fill out our online enquiry form to request a call back at your convenience.