If you or a family member has been injured whilst working in the manufacturing and production industry through an accident caused by somebody else’s negligence, you could make a claim for compensation with Ramsdens Solicitors. To speak to a solicitor call us on 0800 804 7450.
The manufacturing and production industry can be a dangerous place in which to work, with accidents commonly caused by management failures to adhere to health and safety procedures. Injuries sustained can vary from minor damage requiring time off work in order to recover, to incidents causing severe disabilities or fatalities.
Click on the navigation on the right-hand side for more information on the services we provide.Manufacturing and production covers a wide range of sectors, including engineering, woodwork, food and drink, molten metals, plastics and paper making. There are a number of reasons why an incident might occur, including:
Due to the high-risk nature of working on manufacturing and production lines, it is an employer’s responsibility to make sure adequate safety precautions are in place to ensure all workers are kept safe. This includes providing adequate safety gear and training, and regularly maintaining equipment.
If you feel your employer has failed to protect you while at work, then they have breached their legal duty and you should seek advice from Ramsdens Solicitors’ personal injury department.
Our lawyers have years of experience in dealing with claims resulting from manufacturing and production accidents. We will do our utmost to secure you the maximum compensation settlement as swiftly as possible so you have the financial aid to cover expenses such as:
If you believe your, or a loved one’s, injury was caused by the negligence of an employer, you should get in touch with our solicitors today for guidance on making a claim for compensation. You can either call us on 0800 804 7450 , email us at info@ramsdens.co.ukor fill in our claims form and a member of the team will be in touch shortly