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Professional Negligence Claims against Will Writers

Solicitors and Will Writers owe a duty of care not only to the testator who is their client but also to the potential beneficiaries of the Will.

In cases where the Will is not executed properly or in time before the testator’s death, or where the Will contains errors as a result of which the intended beneficiaries suffer a financial loss, those disappointed beneficiaries may have grounds to bring a negligence claim against the Will Writer or solicitor who drafted the Will.

Disappointed beneficiaries may also have grounds to bring a negligence claim against solicitors where there are unreasonable delays with the administration and distribution of the estate, or where the estate is not administered properly.


Our expert team is able to advise and represent you in all types of professional negligence claims relating to Wills, Trusts and Estates. Please contact us on 01484 558058, email us at or complete our enquiry form for further information and advice on this or any contentious probate or inheritance dispute.