GET IN TOUCH : 01484 821 500

Emma Truffert



01484 821529


Emma is a Solicitor in our Dispute Resolution Team. Emma has a focus on Commercial Litigation.

Emma has previously worked on high value matters involving fraud, defamation, bribery and high value breaches of contract.

Emma has developed an international scope by having three undergraduate degrees in English law, French law and German law in their respective languages. Emma has completed an LLM at Maastricht University, in the Netherlands in European Law and Market Integration.

Emma speaks English, French, German and Russian.

Outside of work, Emma enjoys running marathons and playing field hockey as a goal keeper.


What is one legal myth that you'd love to dispel?

"Being aggressive in correspondence does not guarantee your client the win!"


What made you want to work in your role / law?

"I wanted to make sure to provide justice to everyone and put to use my international scope."


Visit our Dispute Resolution section, for more information on our services, or alternatively, speak to a member of our team on 01484 821 500.